The Use of Different Types of Power in Relationships

[Updated January 2017] During a life coaching session with a client the other day, I got to thinking about power use between people and its effects. One model that I am aware of was developed by French and Raven, two social psychologists, who proposed that there were bases of power. In 1965, Raven updated the model to include a sixth factor.

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Too Much Want – Learning to Separate Wants and Needs

The other day I saw an internet photo of an overweight (and clearly overfed) dog, with the caption “Too Much Want”.

It got me to thinking about human behaviour and how we react similarly. Barring any immediate and significant negative consequences, if something we desire is put in front of us, we’ll probably take it. Short term gain appeals more than long term planning, whether it be in regards to food, money, health or other things.

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