I often hear people say “it’s ok in moderation” when they rationalise their continuation of nonconstructive habits. This happens even when they have said they have wanted to change. For example, I’ve heard “It’s ok, I can still have a treat from time to time” from people who keep saying they are trying to lose weight.
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Why You Shouldn’t Get in Shape
Losing weight and getting in shape comes at a horrible price – your clothes stop fitting.
This is a terrible burden to bear. It’s hard to justify the cost of a few pieces of clothing to feel, function and look better.
It’s Never About You
In a similar vein as to why all people only act selfishly, I’d like to suggest the following:
Anything that anyone does is about them. It’s never about you.
Every Person is More Selfish Than You Realise
You are selfish. So is the person next to you. We are all selfish.
Don’t believe me?
Think about it – everything that you do is done because you are hoping to satisfy some kind of need or desire. Acts of selfishness surround us. Some are obvious and some are not.
How to Get Better at Having Difficult Conversations
How do you get better at having difficult conversations? Simple.
Have them. Learn from them. Improve.
That’s it.