How Your Comfort Zone Works Against You

Comfort zones are important – they let us know when things are safe, comfortable and predictable. This aspect of our psychology was especially important in the times of our distant ancestors – not staying safe could mean being injured or killed.

These days, the same level of danger doesn’t exist, yet the same circuity in your brain tells us to seek safety, comfort and predictability. It is the same circuitry that will work against you as you strive towards your new year’s resolutions (if you decided on some, that is).

If we want to achieve our goals, we often have to step outside our comfort zones. We have to take more risks, get uncomfortable and allow some unpredictability. Recognise that a bit of discomfort is okay and, in fact, necessary (although it is important to know when something is seriously wrong).

How is your comfort zone stopping you from reaching your goals?


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